This file documents the local user facility in WASS. WASS is designed to work with LDAP and/or CAS systems to authenticate and identify users. If you are not running an LDAP and/or CAS server, and you have a very limited set of users, you can use a new facility added in WASS 3.0.2 that allows you to maintain a table of users and their passwords (along with a limited set of directory information about these users). This facility is based on the wassUser table that was added to the WASS distribution in release 3.0.2. This simple table consists in a set of rows, one per authenticating user. WASS has no facilities for editing or managing this table. If you want to use this facility, you will need to use a tool such as phpMyAdmin to edit this table (add, edit and remove entries). The table consists of the following fields: userid a text field that stores the login userid password a text field that stores the password for the user displayname a text field that stores the user's full name mail a text field that stores the user's email address street a text field that stores the user's office address telephonenumber a text field that stores the user's telephone number Note that these field names correspond to the values of the LDAP attributes in the wassParms.class.php file, so do not change them unless you also change the field names in the wassParms.class.php file. To use this facility, simply enter one ore more users into the table. The only required field values are the userid and password. The other values are used as defaults when the user edits their calendar and/or makes appointments. When a user goes to login in (and you are not using LDAP or CAS), WASS will look up the user in the wassUser table and, if found, compare their entered password with the password stored in the table. If you need to do more complex password validation (e.g., the password values you have entered into the wassUser table are encrypted in some way), then you can code your own password validation by adding code to the checkPassword method of the wassLocal table. To do this, start by copying the wassLocal.template.php file from the admin directory into the classes directory, renaming it to wassLocal.class.php. Then enter your code into the checkPassword method. The sample code provided does a simple string comparison of the entered and stored passwords. If you are using LDAP for authentication, you can also use the local password facility to create "private" WASS users. If WASS is unable to locate a user in LDAP, it will try to find them in the wassUser table, so you can create a set of private WASS users by making entries in this table. This will not work if you are using CAS for authentication.