Changes from release 1 to release 2: The changes are too extensive to warrant listing every single affected file. Most of WASS was changed, including all of the classes and many of the pages. a. People can now create multiple calendars under one netid. b. People can create "group" calendars, in which individual "members" list their availability. c. Each calendar can have its own set of managers, and all manager operations are carried out from one page. d. Notification and reminder settings apply individually to each calendar manager (seperate settings for every manager on every calendar). e. People can specify that appointment details should be shown to non-owners/managers. ----------------------- 1. Updated to allow userids that include an '@' sign (Princeton's new guest account system). Files: 2. Put "?" Help icon next to Show Appointment Details on calendar setup page. On 7/23/2009. Kelly. Files: 3. Browse page for titles - problem with single quotes in title of calendar. Had to escape. On 7/23/2009. Kelly. Files: 4. Updated Day/Week/Month view changing to include current day functionality. If current day is in week or month, go to that day (or week), instead of first day of week or month. On 8/5/2009. Kelly. Files: viewcalendar.js, global.js 5. If the current date is displayed on the view calendar screen, and the user clicks "Add Block", then that date is displayed as the default date on the block page. On 8/5/2009. Kelly. Files: mainmenu.js 6. Changed all forms in wass to use action= rather than action=. This closes a security exposure in which a malicious user can imbed a script inside the URL passed to WASS. 9/5/2009. Serge. Files: many (every file that uses a form with an action= statement). To back out, simply change all references to 'SCRIPT_NAME' back to 'PHP_SELF'. 7. Added the 'date' argument to line 1737 of wassAjax to match the required arguments in wassAppointment. 8/6/2009. Serge. Files: wassAjax.class.php 8. Changed code to save and re-display block creation/edit settings even if block creation fails (so user doesn't have to re-enter everything). 8/6/2009. Serge. Files: 9. Added text to the 'Calendar created' message to let user know about next steps. 8/12/2009. Serge. Files: 10. Changed the informatory message you get when you first view a calendar to be more explicit about what you need to do. 8/13/2009. Serge. Files: 11. Implemented a user exit interface, and added user exists to the IsUserInCourse and IsCourseValid code in wassUtil. 8/13/2009. Serge. Files: wassLocal.template.php, wassUtil.class.php, install.php 12. Fixed the manager display code ( and the manager accept/reject code ( to correctly handle the switch from userid-based to calendar-based manager entries. 8/20/2009. Serge. Files:, 13. Added code to the installation of WASS which updates pre-release-2 manager entries to have the right format. 8/20/2009. Serge. Files: 14. Added the code to wassManager to actually implement the manager class (the __construct initiatlization code had not been added to the class). 8/20/2009. Serge. Files: wassManager.class.php,, 15. Fixed formatting on email sent out to apply/grant/deny/update manager status. 8/20/2009. Serge. Files:, 16. Fixed css for tables so that they have more padding. Added classes and percentage widths for the table on Make an Appointment page. 8/21/2009. Jill. Files: styles.css 17. Added classes to td's so that their spacing could be controlled. 8/21/2009. Jill. Files: 18. Added divder line to top of each row. 8/21/2009. Jill. Files: 19. Fixed issue where owner/manager of multiple calendars, when on the make appointment view calendar page for someone else, could go to that person's calendar setup page. Now the option is grayed out on the menu. On 8/28/2009. Kelly. Files: mainmenu.js 20. Made the Calendar's Managers page (from Calendar Setup) be scrollable and resizeable. On 8/28/2008. Kelly. Files: 21. Added code to to check if user is already managing a calendar before adding them as a new manager, and fixed call to addManager to pass the correct number of arguments. On 9/2/2009. Serge. Files:, 22. Added code to calendar setup to display the subscribe and access URLs as soon as the calendar is created. On 9/3/2009. Serge. Files: 23. Completede implementation of code which prompts user on whether/not to send email when changes are made to manager status. On 9/3/2009. Serge. Files:, 24. Added code which will set the defaults for sending or not sending email to managers and/or owners whenever they update the status of a manager. On 9/4/2009. Serge. Files:, 25. Fixed code that was preventing guests from making appointments on open calendars (the guest email address was not being correctly returned to the form). On 9/4/2009. Serge. 26. Added text to "block created" message to remind user if they are adding blocks that have "show appointment details" turned on. On 9/4/2009. Serge. Files: 27. Fixed code that prevented group members from adding blocks to a group calendar. On 9/4/2009. Serge. Files: wassBlock.class.php, wassSeries.class.php 28. Fixed code that was incorrectly setting the name/address/email of block owners. On 9/5/2009. Serge. Files: wassBlack.class.php, wassSeries.class.php 29. Added code to display whether/not calendar is a group calendar. On 9/5/2009. Serge. Files: 30. Went through code and made usre that all tests of userid equality were case insensitive. On 9/8/2009. Serge. Files: many. 31. Added code to "catch" the enter key press on the grant page because hitting enter is somehow submitting this form, but without the proper javascript checks. On 9/8/2009. Kelly. Files: 32. Put   into createappt page. If fields (like location) are blank, the next field wraps up onto the blank field's line. On 9/8/2009. Kelly. Files: 33. Changed permissions on guests to check for their authtype as well as a new sGuestID (instead of lumping everything into sUserID). On 9/9/2009. Kelly. Files: global.js, appointment.js, 34. Added a help section on block advanced settings (badvanced), and changed the help icon on the block page to point to this. Edited text of the calendar setup advanced setion to make it clear that these settings apply to blocks added to the calendar. On 9/10/2010. Serge. Files: 35. Changed results of search to display block owner rather than calendar owner. On 9/10/2010. Serge. File: 36. Added code to ensure that if block owner=manager, only one email notification and reminder is sent out. On 9/10/2010. Serge. Files: wassAppointment.class.php 37. Changed text for Access Restrictions value "Private" on Block and Calendar setup. On 9/10/2009. Kelly. Files: global.js 38. Fixed bug on grant page that was still allowing enter to submit page without first going to confirm pop-up. On 9/10/2009. Kelly. Files: global.js,, 39. Fixed overlap of "Unavailable" (when scheduling deadline is passed) and + for making new appts for owner/managers of unslotted blocks. On 9/10/2009. Kelly. Files: global.js, block.js, drawcalendar.js, wasscalendar.js, calendar.css