Changes from release 2.0.3 to 2.0.4: 1. Fixed the codee that was determining if an appointment slot was available. On 11/21/2009. Serge. Files: wassBlock.class.php 2. Changed "onClick" to "onclick". On 11/30/2009. Serge Files: admin/install.php 3. Added password validation to the apply/grant function to make it more secure. on 12/2/2009. Serge. Files: maketables.php,,, wassManager.class.php, wassCalendar.class.php 4. Re-wrote maketables script to be easier to update when new tables are added to WASS. on 12/9/2009. Serge. Files: maketables.php (in admin directory) 5. Added CSS styles to improve the style of the printed calendar. Fixed a border on the day view's block description in the screen calednar. on 12/14/2009. Jill. Files: printcalendar.css, calendar.css 6. Implemented new login layout to emphasize the login and make it stand out from the guest log in. Optimized html, removed inline styles, and added new CSS to the log in page. on 12/17/2009. Jill. Files:, styles.css 6. Implemented a static example of the Did You Know. on 12/17/2009. Jill. Files: mainmenu.js, styles.css 7. Made Did You Know show on only Calendar Setup and Manage Calendars pages. On 12/17/2009. Kelly. Files: mainmenu.js 8. Added hidden input variables hidDYKText and hidDYKLink on calendarsetup and managecalendars for mainmenu.js to grab values. On 12/17/2009. Kelly. Files: mainmenu.js,, 9. Added a "status" line to the display of managers (pending or active). On 12/29/2009. Serge. Files: 10. Updated calendar setup page to account for bigger grant page window open. On 1/6/2010. Kelly. Files: 11. Made URL for viewcalendar accept a date. Must put &view=day&st_dt=yyyy-mm-dd. On 1/6/2010. Kelly. Files: 12. Put the block title on month view - showing only 16 chars. On 1/15/2010. Kelly. Files: drawcalendar.js 13. Implemented Did You Know features on the front-end. On 1/13/2010. Kelly. Files: styles.css, mainmenu.js, ajax.js,,, 14. Slot size must be smaller than block size and must evenly divide block size. On 1/16/2010. Serge. Files: wassBlock.class.php 15. Fixed bug causing create calendar to assume that user is creating a calendar for someone with whom they have made an appointment. On 1/16/2010. Serge. Files: 16. Added checkbox to prevent sending of app cancellation msgs when a calendar is deleted. On 1/16/2010. Serge. Files: wassAppointment.class.php 17. Made remind ON the default for appointments. On 1/16/2010. Serge. Files: 18. Notification will always be sent to appointment maker when an appointment is made. On 1/16/2010. Serge. Files: wassApointment.class.php 19. Fixed issue where when in week view and you click on a time range for a block, you get taken to the first day of the week. On 11/29/2009. Kelly. Files: viewcalendar.js 20. Changed code to use a class constant to convey the request to not have cancellation notitifications sent out. On 01/20/2010. Serge. Files: search for files that reference wassAppointment::NONOTIFICATION or self::NONOTIFICATION. 21. Put a link on the top of the viewcalendar page that gives the direct URL to the given page (day/week/month). On 01/24/2010. Kelly. Files: calendar.css, calendarheader.js, global.js 22. Aligned checkbox in remove calendar. On 1/25/2010. Kelly. Files: styles.css, 23. Added a "scheduling deadline" that specifies when a block becomes available for scheduling. On 1/25/2010. Serge. Files: maketables.php, wass.xsd, wassAjax.php, wassBlock.class.php, wassSeries.class.php, 24. Changed text for "Max:" on blocks to be "Max appointments" for unslotted and "Max per person" for slotted. On 1/25/2010. Kelly. Files: block.js 25. Put help file links into the view calendar header (correct link) and block page for deadlines. Fixed typo in help file. On 1/26/2010. Kelly. Files: calendarheader.js,, 26. Updated year to 2010 in copyright. On 1/29/2010. Jill Files: footer.js 27. Added and adjusted the CSS for the Home Page. Fixed positioning of items. Capitalized "Log In" and "Help". On 1/29/2010. Jill. Files: styles.css, 28. Adjusted CSS for the Display direct URL link so that the text and icon were verticaly aligned. Adjusted colors. On 1/29/2010. Jill. Files:calendar.css 29. For the "browse by..." function of the make appointment page, I added a check in to make sure that the name coming back is not null or blank. Code was hanging because there was a blank name. On 1/31/2010. Kelly. Files: ajax.js 30. Left calendars weren't displaying status information properly, due to the fact that I was setting the date as year, then month, then date. If today is the 31st and I set the month before the date, javascript automatically bumps the whole date up a month, since there is no Feb. 31st. On 1-31-2010. Kelly. Files: ajax.js 31. Added code to calendar setup to make sure that user owns the specified calendar; if not, code tries to switch to an owned calendar, or tries to create a new calendar. On 2.10.2010. Serge. 32. Changed labels for name/location/email fields to reference the "block" owner, rather than tyhe calendar owner. On 2/11/2010. Serge. 33. Updated link for direct URL to include &makeapp=1 to show that link will always be followed by the appointment maker and disable menu items appropriately. On 2/12/2010. Kelly. Files: calendarheader.js