Changes from release 3.0.0 to 3.0.1: 1. Added new "listappointments" Ajax function call to support Blackboard WASS module. On 8/14/2010. Serge. Files: wassAjax.php, wass.xsd 2. Added new "listApps" iCal function call to support subscriptions to appointment lists (for students). On 8/16/2010. Serge. Files: wassIcal.class.php,, wassAppointment.class.php 3. Changed reminder function to flag when reminders have been sent for an appointment and not resend them if remind script is re-run. On 8/23/2010. Serge. Files: wassAppointment.class.php, remind.php, maketables.php 4. Added an RSS feed to WASS. The feed sends back an RSS feed of pending appointments. On 8/23/2010. Serge. Files: wassRss.class.php,